Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Summary 4


In the book “ Body image: Understanding body dissatisfaction in men, women and children” (New York:1999) by Sarah Grogan, she states that media has great impact on women image. Grogan claims that media promoting a particular shape and size of women’s bodies has caused pressure to women. The author also states that media presents male and female body quite differently. It trend to be portray men as standard weight , women trend to be portrayed as underweight as the author claimed. Grogan concerns media has been expressed over the representation of unrealistic images of female beauty. The author tells reader an example that people complained about Omega’s manger used a model who was so thin as to appear anorexic in it advertisement in Vogue magazine. The author suggests that images on magazines have powerful effects on their reader and supplying definitions of what it means to be a woman. The author also believes that eating disorders may result from observing slender models in magazines. Furthermore, women received social pressure of how they should look like primly by media followed by peers and family. Finally, the author shows that women nowadays are critical of the narrow range of body shapes presented in the media and they were angry at media especially fashion manipulate the way they feel about their bodies.


Grogan ,S. (1999). Body image: Understanding body dissatisfaction in men, women and
children.New York:Routage

I think the author well presented how the media affect women’s body image I n this book. I completely agreed with the author that magazine especially fashion advertisement created unrealistic ideal body images and caused pressure to women about what their body shapes should be. Sometimes, I do feel pressure to look like models in the magazine. In my opinion, it is interesting to know that many men reported that they would not exercise or diet tot try to emulate the bodies of slender, muscular actors. In the book, the author states that women were more critical to media than before. I think it is good. The book were written by simple English so it is easy to read . In addition, I think the author should give more real life example to support how media influence women images.

Monday, October 02, 2006


According to Hesse-Biber in her book “Am I thin enough yet?: The cult of Thinness and the Commercialization of Identity” (New York: 1996), she claims that most young American women want to be thin whether they are rich or poor. Biber also tells the reader that many American women are willing to go to extraordinary way to obtain thin bodies. The author states that it is because the cultural message tells woman that a “valued” woman should have a thin body. Furthermore, the author suggests that moral judgment such as slenderness represents moderation, self-control and restraint but fat represents greed, poor impulse control and self-indulgence. Therefore, American woman are obsessed with thinness as Biber claimed. The author shows that sine 1960s, the ideal body type of women has become steadily slimmer and less curvaceous. In addition, Biber points out Miss America contestants have become more and more slender between 1958 and 1988 and the actual Miss America winners are the thinnest of all. The author claims than another reason makes women strive for thinness is American food, weight loss and cosmetic industries would like to boost their profits and created flawless cover girls as icons and make women obtain the unobtainable goal of physical perfection. The author believes that women can reject the culturally dictated ideal body image and she suggests that there are alternatives to the cult of thinness for women.

Biber, H. (1996). Am I thin enough yet?: the cult of Thinness and the Commercialization of Identity. New York: Oxford University Press.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

According to Estelle Freedman un her book “ No Turning Back- The History of Feminism and the future of Women (New York, 2002), she states that the women really got out of their homes and moved from housework to wage work first took place in Western Europe and America since 17th century. At that time most women work at textile production due to the growth of world capitalism. However, Freedman tells reader that women’s wages were lower than men even they were in the same job position and this situation did not change until 1980s. Furthermore, the author points out that woman first enter male-dominated profession in late 1800s but those professional jobs become feminized once women gained success in those professional jobs such as bank tellers, sales and clerical. On the other hand, the author clams that some professional job fields illustrate the persistence of a gender hierarchy especially in teaching institutes. Freeman shows that in 1997 white male held 70 percent of the full time tenured faculty position in the United States and at famous universities such as Stanford and Harvard, only 15 percent of professors are women. The author also claims that although women emerged in research and teaching institutes, they remain at low level of lecturers and assistants. Finally, the author suggests that as global economy continually expands, there will be more job positions offer to females and the author believes that it is women’s primary responsibility to fight for equality between women and men.

Freedman, E.( 2002). “No Turning Back- the History of Feminism and the future of Women. New York: Ballantine Books

Sunday, September 17, 2006

“Freud 2000” edited by Anthony Elliot is a book about a famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud’s life and his great ideas. The editor states that Freud was born in a poor Jewish family in 1856.Sigmund Freud’s birthplace was above a blacksmith’s forge in Moravia, as part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at that time. The editor also mentions that Freud as the eldest son in his family, he always received education priority from his parents. Elliot reveals people do not know much about Freud‘s early life due to he destroyed his own paper at least twice in 1885 and in 1907. Freud also refused people wrote a biography about him because he thought anyone who writes a biography is committed to lies, concealments and flattery. Elliot tells the readers that Sigmund Freud found psychoanalysis in the early twentieth century and he was the first person who believed psychoanalysis as a science subject. The editor of this book also indicates that Freud has been describe as an ‘evil geniuses because his theories have been blamed for alienate people from themselves and underming the values of Western civilisation. Elliot claims that Freud had a great influence of psychoanalysis over twentieth century. A campaign launched against psychoanalysis in the 1990s and “Time” magazine ran the discussion about “Is Freud Dead?” in 1993. The editor notes that although there are still intense arguments about Freud’s theory in psychoanalysis field, his works such as Psychotherapy and Id, ego, and super-ego principle are well known by public.

Elliot, A.( 1998). Freud 2000. New York :Rotledge.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

There's sth about Sam (not Mary)

Hey, here we go. I am blogging again.

Actually , I am the kind of person that do not like to intodouce myself to others cuz I feel tired of it now. Whenever i go to a new place , the first thing that I do is introduce myself to new people. How well do those people know me after I dis the self-introduction? They only know my name, how many sibiling I have and which school I go to.That's all the basic information they got . ya, that's all (how boring it is!) .

I think if people want to know me , COME and BECOME my FRIEND!( It's MORE than WELCOME!) Spending little more with me then I am sure that you will not only know my name , my school's name or how many sibiling that I have.

However I will still introduce myself here:

Name : Samantha Tam
Gender: Female
Age: 89
Personality: Easy- going, quiet, love challenges, love to EAT

Favourite Singer: Mary J. Blige, Josh Groban
Favourite thing to do: Travelling, Hang out with friends
My Goal: Obtain good marks in Level 6 and get into undergraduate progam( Atksion) in the Winter term . Become more sociable

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Home of the Crusaders!

Recently, I miss my high school friends SoOooo much. I wish time could go back and I could study in high school again. My Grade 11 was really fun and it was a totally new experience for me. Grade 12 went little bit crazy , I had to study all the time . Imagine a non-native speaker siting in a classroom with all the native speakers( They're pro!) and I got to competit with them. It was harsh, especially in English and History classes. U know I did not have a choice , those were core subjects , I had to take it no matter how hard they were. Oh ya, Christian Ethics caused me lotzzzzz of pain to0. All the Jesus stuff. I love Jesus, Jesus is awsome, those things sort of drove me..xxx. Although , classes were not easy but I had still learned a lot . It was absolutely right to spend time in high school . Everyday I learned new knowledge in different classes instead of review all the stupid things ( sorry I can't mention what those stupid things are) .
People there were so different, although some people weren't very friendly to me. I still met some truely nice people. We became friends , the friends that you can really open your heart to them . I cant denied ! I miss them so much! Why I cant stay togather with all my lovely friends?